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What You Will Learn From This Book:

Chapter 1: What Is Shingles?
The history of this age-old disease. The discovery of its cause early in the 20th century, and the course of the disease.
Chapter 2: The Varicella-Zoster Virus
Knowing more about the virus that causes chicken-pox and shingles helps understanding the workings of these diseases, and the ways that they are treated.
Chapter 3: How Shingles Is Treated
Shingles can't be cured, but it can be controlled through drugs, physical therapy, and psychological methods-often in combination.
Chapter 4: Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
The pain of shingles can continue long after the rash has healed, and special methods of treatment may be needed to deal with it.
Chapter 5: Other Complications Of Shingles
The virus can seriously damage vision or cause devastating infections in other organs, especially if it isn't treated properly.
Chapter 6: Can Shingles Be Prevented?
The Varicella vaccine - A new vaccine shows promise in preventing chicken-pox, and perhaps shingles as well.


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